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Building access management


In order to ensure the safety and convenience of teachers and students to access to each building, through field research and soliciting opinions from building users, the main entrance and exit management plans of some buildings in the campus are now provided as follows:

1. Management principles

a. The main entrances and exits of each building are managed in different time periods. According to the use time period (working days, statutory holidays, winter and summer vacations), three modes of access control are set as below: open, card access required and closed.

b. The access control is disabled during the “open” time period, teachers and students can enter and exit the building without obstacles; the access control is normally activated during “card access required” time period, teachers and students can use the card to enter and exit the building after authorization; during the “closed” time period, teachers and students are required to call campus centralized control room 87572119 (24h) for access, after verifying identity, doors can be opened on-the-line and you can enter the building successfully.

2. Layout of building entrances and exits

浙江大学伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟校区联合学院一层出入口平面图 新.jpg
