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Remote Medical Consultation


Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University Remote Medical Consultation Service

Remote consultation is a modern medical service method that realizes information interconnection and resource sharing between medical platforms. The International Campus has now connected with the high-quality medical resources of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University through the remote consultation service system to provide professional, convenient and timely medical services for the teachers and students of the International Campus.

The remote consultation service system realizes the functions of online remote consultation, prescribing medicine, appointment referral and hospitalization arrangement, and fully meets the consultation needs of teachers and students for various diseases. The precautions for online appointment registration are as follows:


In principle, it is necessary to make an appointment 1-3 working days in advance. Online appointment channel: log in to Campus Service Official Wechat Account, click on campus services, and enter Remote Consultation to make an appointment. Contact: Chen Xiu, 87572235/13777424991.

2.Registration fee

Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University: 15 yuan (general consultation), 25 yuan (specialist consultation); Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University main area: 180 yuan (Deputy senior specialist consultation), 200 yuan (Senior specialist consultation).

3.Specialist selection

Teachers and students can check the schedule of individual specialists through the WeChat public accounts of "Zhejiang University Hospital" and "Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University". After confirming the specialists, inform the campus hospital, and the campus hospital will make an appointment. After the appointment is successfully being made, the campus hospital will inform the patient in time.

Before remote consultation, patients need to provide relevant examination materials and sign the "Informed Consent Form for Remote Consultation". After the remote consultation, according to the doctor's order, the campus hospital will assist in arranging medication or referral-related matters.


Second affiliated hospital of Zhejiang University (campus)


Second affiliated hospital of Zhejiang University (main)