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Two Campus Property Management Cases Selected as "Typical Cases of University Campus Property Management" by the China Higher Education Logistics Association


Recently, the results of the "Typical Cases of University Campus Property Management" collection activity, organized by the Property Management Professional Committee of the China Higher Education Logistics Association, were announced. The international campus submitted "Exploration and Practice of Integrated, Internationalized, and Specialized University Property Management: A Case Study of International Campus Zhejiang University",which was selected as a typical case among universities (with a total of 4 selected in Zhejiang Province). Additionally, the submission from Qiushi Property, titled "Towards Green Property Management: Green and Low-Carbon Operation Practices of International Campus Zhejiang University", was chosen as a typical case among property management enterprises.





In the initial stages of design and construction, International Campus aimed to lead the world in building a sustainable campus. Strategies for a sustainable campus were formulated, taking into account campus location, green transportation, renewable energy, low-impact stormwater management, and the application of key technologies in green construction.


In terms of service models, relying on the unified planning of large-scale property management, resource integration and uniform service standards were achieved. Comprehensive supervision of services was implemented throughout the entire process, utilizing smart technologies such as big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence to establish a smart logistics system encompassing intelligent security, fire protection, energy, and services. Actively benchmarking international standards, the campus has achieved the highest level of certification in the LEED V4.1O+M ARC certification system and EcoCampus Platinum Award, aiming to establish a sustainable campus aligned with international standards.


"One-stop" Campus Service


Building Manager Service


Smart Energy Platform


AC Control System


Smart Security Platform

Simultaneously, the campus places a strong emphasis on instilling sustainable principles in students, constructing a comprehensive education system focusing on morality, intellect, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor. The campus actively promotes a low-carbon and environmentally friendly ideology, integrating the principles of "Putting Students and Faculty First" and "Sustainable Development" into various aspects of campus operations.

ECO CLUB堆肥.png

Compost Activity


"Whitewashing Tree" Activity

The property management, through the establishment of an integrated service system and adherence to international service standards, provides students and faculty with specialized and high-quality services.